March 2022.
15 pages lenght.

"SUSANNA" consists of an original short-film screenplay I wrote for buddying italian director Andrea D'Eredità. The plot, loosely based on Johnny Cash's song "A boy named Sue", focuses around western diesel-punk vagabond "Sue", in his quest to get rid of his own, lost father. For reasons of privacy, I won't be publishing the entire work as of today, but I'll leave a quick "Abstract" to follow:
"Sue, un vagabondo armato e a prova di bomba, vaga per una pianura post-
apocalittica con il solo desiderio di vendicarsi del proprio padre.
L’uomo soffre la sua condizione, timoroso nel crearsi una nuova famiglia, essendo ancora succube dei perduti anni d’infanzia.
A seguito di un fortuito malinteso, Sue verrà avvicinato al suo obiettivo e ci mostrerà quanto “giudicare un libro dalla copertina” sia la peggior strategia di sopravvivenza per un vero "cowboy"."
"Sue, an armed and blast-proof wanderer, roams a post-apocalyptic plane with the sole desire to take revenge on his own father.
The man suffers his condition, fearful of creating himself a new family, still being succubus to his lost childhood years.
Following a fortuitous misunderstanding, Sue will be brought closer to his goal and show us how "judging a book by its cover" is the worst survival strategy for a true "cowboy"."
To find out MORE about "Sue" feel free to drop me a line at maru.daniel98@gmail.com, or just fill in the "CONTACTS" form!