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"DILEMMA" consists of an original short-film screenplay of mine, focusing around "Riccio", an anthropomorphic hedgehog and a loner, the classic "30-some failure". For reasons of privacy, I won't be publishing the entire work as of today, but I'll leave a quick "Abstract" to follow:


"Un riccio, assurdamente antropomorfo, vive un’esistenza priva di lavoro, famiglia e, soprattutto, amore.

L’animale lamenta la sua condizione, frustrato dal rapporto sentimentale nato tra la sua migliore amica ed il suo bullo d’infanzia. Ispirato al “Dilemma del porcospino” di Schopenhauer, “Riccio” dovrà trovare la giusta distanza personale all’interno della società.


I suoi errori ci mostreranno quanto tale traguardo possa essere “spinoso” e quanto l’imposizione sociale possa allontanarci dalla nostra vera natura."


"An absurdly anthropomorphic hedgehog lives an existence devoid of work, family and, above all, love.


The animal laments his plight, frustrated by the romantic relationship that has arisen between his best friend and his childhood bully. Inspired by Schopenhauer's "Hedgehog's Dilemma," "Hedgehog" will have to find personal distance within society.


His mistakes will show us how "thorny" that goal can be, and how social imposition can distance us from our true nature."

To find out MORE about "Riccio" and the TV SERIES project behind it feel free to drop me a line at, or just fill in the "CONTACTS" form!

March 2022.

15 pages lenght.

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