"An(nego)" consists of an audio-visual triplet that wants to criticize today's idea of a "Disney-land Venice", deeming it as nothing more than a product made for costumers, a buyable experience, thus bastardizing the perishing felt city values.
At the time of first writing this paragraph (2021) I live in Turin, and have been living here during the whole shooting period of "An(nego)". Being able to talk about themes that one would not expect me to feel and understand in a way that sparks interest, critical thinking & emotional investment meant the achievement of a personal goal, the result of which I consider myself to be proud of.
The work has been realized for and inserted in the context of the "Beyond The Wall" exibition, based in the "IKONA VENEZIA" Modern Art Gallery, between the 23rd of November 2020 and the 27th of December 2020. The theme I had to work with was "Destruction & Reconstruction".
November 2020.